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Kadet 1947
When the Dutch initiates an aggression against Indonesia to regain its rule post World War II, a group of inexperienced cadets need to defend the last remaining airbase so they may have a chance to help the Republic win the revolutionary war and to protect what they have come to care for.
Actor: Bisma Karisma , Marthino Lio , Omara Esteghal , Kevin Julio , Wafda Saifan Lubis , Chicco Kurniawan , M Fajar Nugra , Ibnu Jamil , Andri Mashadi , Mike Lucock , Bayu Adji , Hardi Fadhillah , Givina Lukita , Ario Bayu , Ahmad Ramadhan Alrasyid , Rafi Zulfikar , Indra Pacique , Ernanta Kusuma , Armando , Ibnu Widodo , Carolus Toro , Celerina Judisari , Herty Purba , Eric Van Loon , Agus Usholi
Director: Rahabi Mandra , Aldo Swastia
Writer: Rahabi Mandra , Aldo Swastia
Country: Indonesia
Release: 2021-11-25
Duration: 111 Min
Quality: HD Malay Sub
Rating: 0
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